Friday 22 May 2009

UKIP Bradford on the Expenses Scandle

Please find UKIP Bradford Chairman Jason Smith's published letters on the current expenses scandle & below what UKIPs proposals are on shaking up the system

"Where are the morals?" (T&A)

"A show of inegrity" (T&A)

"Do these MPs have any morals?" (Halifax Courier)



"...this won't solve the problems over the greed of MPs getting their snouts in the trough, the moat cleaning, the houses and the dog biscuits, but it will allow us to do something about it. We'll be able to do something to the people who have done this with our hard earned money that we've had to pay in taxes, to punish them."

"In California for example, if 12% of the voters at the previous election sign a petition asking for a new election then there will be one. There doesn't have to be a specific reason, simply if enough of the voters think that they deserve to choose again then they can indeed choose again."

See the full article:


“In Sweden, second homes in Stockholm for members who live outside the capital are provided by the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) and let to the MPs free of charge”, said UKIP Chairman Paul Nuttall. Swedish MPs who choose to live in apartments they have found themselves receive a flat 7,000 Krona, the equivalent of under £600 a month, and they cannot claim for improvements to that accommodation."

“This system would put a stop to British MPs climbing the property ladder and making huge sums of money at the expense of the taxpayer,” said Mr Nuttall, who is also UKIP’s number one candidate for the European election in the North West.

"Also in Sweden MPs travel expenses are covered by parliament but journeys must be undertaken in the cheapest possible way. And they must be booked through the parliamentary travel office”

See the full article:

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