Sunday 8 February 2009

More Job losses, More loss of Royal Mail?

Well the ongoing complaint continues, Tory Council Tax goes up, Bradford services are cut.

In this case, the Bradford Royal Mail sorting office is under real threat of closure. 700 jobs are on the line. The work maybe transferred to Leeds, but it is a testament to the Tory led decline in Bradford, that services and vitality of the city declines a big step each year.

We need jobs in recession, and putting more workers on the dole doesn’t help anyone, these kinds of public service jobs need to be safeguarded, because if we wait for a new shopping centre to be built or new businesses to move in to provide jobs, we'll be waiting a long time!

Of course before 1997, Royal Mail was an efficient and profit making service, in which the profitable parts of the service (e.g. business mail) helped pay for the unprofitable parts (e.g. Post Offices)

But then Labour got their hands on it, forced privatisation by opening the service up to competition, which has meant Royal Mail is now in decline.

The EU Postal Directives allowed the private companies to cherry pick the business mail and profitable parts of the service, while Royal Mail was left supporting the unprofitable bits and rural routes.

The Bradford Labour MPs will cry foul no doubt, but do nothing, just as they did when they voted to continue the Post Office closure programme, and their parties support for the EU rules crippling Royal Mail and the part-privatisation of Royal Mail itself.

Full liberalisation of the postal service by the start of 2011 – There will be nothing left of Royal Mail to compete

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