An article in the T&A tells of several reports concerning the Odeon, that it would be too costly to refurbish.
"A new report into the condition of the derelict former Odeon cinema in Bradford city centre has concluded that it is not economically viable to retain any of it."
"Experts were called in to assess the merits of four options for retaining the Prince’s Way facade and the twin towers but have concluded it is not financially viable and would cost the developers up to £13.9 million."
"The repair work alone would cost about £6 million, it says."
"Dave Rolinson, chairman of Spawforth Planning Consultants, which commissioned the reports on behalf of Langtree Artisan, said: “Given the significant structural, architectural and economic challenges and the excessive costs required to refurbish the building, it is evident that the demolition of the building is justified.” "
That is all well and good, but after leaving the poor Odeon to rot for so long, making a hash of other regeneration in the city, I don't think the Council deserves to be given the decision over wht to do with it.
Yorkshire Forward (Regional Quango) that own the Odeon have wanted to demolish it for ages, despite local oppinion.
I think it's time we the public should decide on this issue, because we clearly can't trust the council on this issue. And please don't tell me there has been extensive "public consultation" because that's absolute rubbish. The best way to get people involved in the city, is to begin to get enthusiasm for our once great city, would be to ask the people what they want.
The Odeon would be a great place to start, and could get a real feel good factor with Bradfordians if we were asked what we wanted. Plus it would mean something could be achieved with Odeon as the Council would have the mandate to act immediately.
"A decision will be made at City Hall at tomorrow’s meeting which starts at 10.30am. There have been more than 1,300 objections in total across both applications, including from the Bradford Odeon Rescue Group. "
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Support Grows for Odeon Referendum
Reading through the letters pages lately has shown that there are people writing in (non-ukip I assure you!) supporting the call for the decision over the Odeon be taken away from the unlected quango Yorkshire Forward and the untrusted Council.
I don't think I can put it in any better way than the following letter:
"It is obvious from the interest being taken in the future of the New Victoria Cinema that it’s destiny is far too important for it to be left in the hands of the seven councillors who form the Planning Committee.
The only way for a truly democratic decision to be made would be for a referendum of all the citizens of Bradford be held.
It is vital that fiascos like the demolition of the Kirkgate Market, Mechanics’ Institute, Central Library and Forster Square not be repeated"
Absolutely spot on Mr. Chappell... have you considered joining UKIP Bradford....?
here are a few more:
The choice is ours
Support the Call
Let the public decide
Poll for a true picture
Quangos must go
UKIP Bradford called for a referendum back in 2007 (Full Article T&A)
Some older letters in support of our call:
Odeon shock
Vote welcomed
There really does seem to be a growing number of people that are beginning to expect to have a vote on at least some project of the "regeneration" in Bradford.
And the Odeon is the perfect place to start.
I don't think I can put it in any better way than the following letter:
"It is obvious from the interest being taken in the future of the New Victoria Cinema that it’s destiny is far too important for it to be left in the hands of the seven councillors who form the Planning Committee.
The only way for a truly democratic decision to be made would be for a referendum of all the citizens of Bradford be held.
It is vital that fiascos like the demolition of the Kirkgate Market, Mechanics’ Institute, Central Library and Forster Square not be repeated"
Absolutely spot on Mr. Chappell... have you considered joining UKIP Bradford....?
here are a few more:
The choice is ours
Support the Call
Let the public decide
Poll for a true picture
Quangos must go
UKIP Bradford called for a referendum back in 2007 (Full Article T&A)
Some older letters in support of our call:
Odeon shock
Vote welcomed
There really does seem to be a growing number of people that are beginning to expect to have a vote on at least some project of the "regeneration" in Bradford.
And the Odeon is the perfect place to start.
Friday, 28 August 2009
UKIP Bradford calls for a vote on Odeon plans
Had a Letter published in the T&A regarding the Odeon and promoting UKIPs policy of local referenda....
Let the public decide
8:16am Friday 21st August 2009
SIR – Regarding the on-going saga and controversy of the Odeon, I think it’s time that a line is drawn under it and something actually achieved.
With all the information and accusations thrown around regarding the Odeon, why not give the decision to the people of Bradford? The Council will then have the authority to act – and act quickly!
There should be a Bradford-wide referendum of maybe three or four options with clear information regarding costs and intentions available prior to this, so we can all vote on which option we prefer.
One of the options must include refurbishment of the Odeon, even if it would be the most costly.
UKIP called for this, which the T&A reported on September 4, 2007, and it should be fully-backed. Why not let the public decide? Then the Council could actually get on with some “regeneration” for a change, with popular approval.
Let the public decide
8:16am Friday 21st August 2009
SIR – Regarding the on-going saga and controversy of the Odeon, I think it’s time that a line is drawn under it and something actually achieved.
With all the information and accusations thrown around regarding the Odeon, why not give the decision to the people of Bradford? The Council will then have the authority to act – and act quickly!
There should be a Bradford-wide referendum of maybe three or four options with clear information regarding costs and intentions available prior to this, so we can all vote on which option we prefer.
One of the options must include refurbishment of the Odeon, even if it would be the most costly.
UKIP called for this, which the T&A reported on September 4, 2007, and it should be fully-backed. Why not let the public decide? Then the Council could actually get on with some “regeneration” for a change, with popular approval.
UKIP Bradford
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Leafletting with the Chairman
We are planning another mass leafleting session on:
Sunday 23rd August, 2pm
At: Bradford Bulls Grattan Stadium, Odsal, Bradford
Meeting place TBA
Please let me know if you can make it, will probably be about an hour in total – should be able to shift 1,000s of leaflets if we have a few hands.
Contact me for more information,
Sunday 23rd August, 2pm
At: Bradford Bulls Grattan Stadium, Odsal, Bradford
Meeting place TBA
Please let me know if you can make it, will probably be about an hour in total – should be able to shift 1,000s of leaflets if we have a few hands.
Contact me for more information,
Monday, 17 August 2009
NO2ID Stall in Bradford
The Bradford NO2ID Group is holding a stall in Bradford and Victoria Hall, Saltaire on Saturday 21st November from around 10am - 4pm - as part of a larger event which is being run there.
UKIP fully opposes ID cards because of the spiraling costs (especially in the current economic climate), the erosion of our civil rights and that they will prove to be another unsafe IT project with our personal details.
UKIP Bradford will be supporting this event and encourage all members, supporters or anyone interested to come long, have a chat and help out!
The UKIP MEP for Yorkshire, Godfrey Bloom, may even pop along to offer his support.
So please come along!
NO2ID Website:
NO2ID Bradford Contact:
UKIP fully opposes ID cards because of the spiraling costs (especially in the current economic climate), the erosion of our civil rights and that they will prove to be another unsafe IT project with our personal details.
UKIP Bradford will be supporting this event and encourage all members, supporters or anyone interested to come long, have a chat and help out!
The UKIP MEP for Yorkshire, Godfrey Bloom, may even pop along to offer his support.
So please come along!
NO2ID Website:
NO2ID Bradford Contact:
Thursday, 6 August 2009
UKIP Bradford Taking Local Elections Seriously
Next year when the local elections are set to take place, UKIP Bradford will be putting a record number of candidates out.
Although more known for our European Union Policy, UKIP does have a wide ranging set of local policies, from council tax and local housing, to policing and transport.
If you would like to read the current local manifesto, please find it here:
On the back of coming second in a national election and third in the Bradford area, we are on the look out for more candidates. UKIP Bradford Branch covers about 30 wards!
The more candaidates we have the more local coverage we get and it shows that we mean business by standing up for the people and issues that concern our local areas.
If you are interested in standing for UKIP (Council elections are free - General elections cost £500) please sign up to UKIP Bradford here:
and get in touch with our Branch Chairman Jason:
We are planning a big campaign in the run up to next years elections so get involved!
Although more known for our European Union Policy, UKIP does have a wide ranging set of local policies, from council tax and local housing, to policing and transport.
If you would like to read the current local manifesto, please find it here:
On the back of coming second in a national election and third in the Bradford area, we are on the look out for more candidates. UKIP Bradford Branch covers about 30 wards!
The more candaidates we have the more local coverage we get and it shows that we mean business by standing up for the people and issues that concern our local areas.
If you are interested in standing for UKIP (Council elections are free - General elections cost £500) please sign up to UKIP Bradford here:
and get in touch with our Branch Chairman Jason:
We are planning a big campaign in the run up to next years elections so get involved!
Thursday, 11 June 2009
UKIP Polling 3rd in Bradford
A breakdown of the EU results has been posted on the Guardian website, listing results by local authority.
The article is here:
The Spreadsheet:
UKIP are polling 3rd in Bradford!
To say we don't have any councillors or MPs in the area, it shows that there are plenty of voters willing to vote for us. All we have to do is go out and get them!
Bradford Results:
Electorate: 328,345
Votes: 110,869
Turnout: 33.77%
1. Tory 27,233 - 24.56%
2. Labour 24,884 - 22.44%
3. UKIP 16,401 - 14.79%
4. Lib Dem 14,771 - 13.32%
5. BNP 10,330 - 9.32%
6.Green 9,725 - 8.77%
The article is here:
The Spreadsheet:
UKIP are polling 3rd in Bradford!
To say we don't have any councillors or MPs in the area, it shows that there are plenty of voters willing to vote for us. All we have to do is go out and get them!
Bradford Results:
Electorate: 328,345
Votes: 110,869
Turnout: 33.77%
1. Tory 27,233 - 24.56%
2. Labour 24,884 - 22.44%
3. UKIP 16,401 - 14.79%
4. Lib Dem 14,771 - 13.32%
5. BNP 10,330 - 9.32%
6.Green 9,725 - 8.77%
Monday, 8 June 2009
UKIP Come 2nd Nationally and Advance to 3rd in Yorkshire!

Well it was a very good night for UKIP, beating Labour into 3rd place and picking up new MEPs in Wales and the West Midlands.
More closer to home, Godfrey Bloom retained his seat in Yorkshire coming 3rd and UKIP wasn't that far away from taking a second seat in Yorkshire.
Congratulations to the UKIP national, regional and local teams in rallying such good support and taking one further step towards UK Independence.
Now the long hard work starts towards the local and general elections!
Full Results for Yorkshire:
Conservative 299,802 votes 24.5% (-0.2) 2 MEPs (+0)
Labour 230,009 votes 18.8% (-7.5) 1 MEP (-1)
UKIP 213,750 votes 17.4% (+2.9) 1 MEP (0)
Lib Dems 161,552 votes 13.2% (-2.4) 1 MEP (0)
BNP 120,139 votes 9.8% (+1.8) 1 MEP (+1)
Green Party 104,456 votes 8.5% (+2.8) 0 MEPs (0)
English Democrat 31,287 votes 2.6% (+1.0) 0 MEPs (0)
Socialist Labour Party 19,380 votes 1.6% (+1.6) 0 MEPs (0)
Christian Party 16,742 votes 1.4% (+1.4) 0 MEPs (0)
No2EU 15,614 votes 1.3% (+1.3) 0 MEPs (0)
Jury Team 7,181 votes 0.6% (+0.6) 0 MEPs (0)
Libertas 6,268 votes 0.5% (+0.5) 0 MEPs (0)
More closer to home, Godfrey Bloom retained his seat in Yorkshire coming 3rd and UKIP wasn't that far away from taking a second seat in Yorkshire.
Congratulations to the UKIP national, regional and local teams in rallying such good support and taking one further step towards UK Independence.
Now the long hard work starts towards the local and general elections!
Full Results for Yorkshire:
Conservative 299,802 votes 24.5% (-0.2) 2 MEPs (+0)
Labour 230,009 votes 18.8% (-7.5) 1 MEP (-1)
UKIP 213,750 votes 17.4% (+2.9) 1 MEP (0)
Lib Dems 161,552 votes 13.2% (-2.4) 1 MEP (0)
BNP 120,139 votes 9.8% (+1.8) 1 MEP (+1)
Green Party 104,456 votes 8.5% (+2.8) 0 MEPs (0)
English Democrat 31,287 votes 2.6% (+1.0) 0 MEPs (0)
Socialist Labour Party 19,380 votes 1.6% (+1.6) 0 MEPs (0)
Christian Party 16,742 votes 1.4% (+1.4) 0 MEPs (0)
No2EU 15,614 votes 1.3% (+1.3) 0 MEPs (0)
Jury Team 7,181 votes 0.6% (+0.6) 0 MEPs (0)
Libertas 6,268 votes 0.5% (+0.5) 0 MEPs (0)
EU Election,
Godfrey Bloom,
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
What a Response!
Well we had a massive boost to the EU election campaign after holding two stalls in Halifax and Bradford. We handed out thousands of leaflets and got a really good response from the public.
We had many people pledge to vote for us (or had already voted for us - postal votes)
People took leaflets, stickers and policy booklets. Everybody was annoyed with the major parties and were pleased to see us out and about actually talking to people.
The Greens and NO2EU also had stalls when we were there in Halifax, but we were the only ones that stayed all day!
Interesting to see none of the main parties dared to show their face the weekend before the election. If they had, I think they would have been lynched....
Only thing left to do now is....
VOTE UKIP on the 4th JUNE!!!!!
We had many people pledge to vote for us (or had already voted for us - postal votes)
People took leaflets, stickers and policy booklets. Everybody was annoyed with the major parties and were pleased to see us out and about actually talking to people.
The Greens and NO2EU also had stalls when we were there in Halifax, but we were the only ones that stayed all day!
Interesting to see none of the main parties dared to show their face the weekend before the election. If they had, I think they would have been lynched....
Only thing left to do now is....
VOTE UKIP on the 4th JUNE!!!!!
EU Election,
Street Stall,
UKIP Bradford
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Confirmed Campaigning Days!
UKIP Bradford Confirmed Campaign Dates!
The below UKIP Euro Election street stalls are now confirmed:
(Bank Holiday) Monday 25th May, outside Zavvi superstor, Tyrrel Street, Bradford city centre.
Between 11am – 3pmSaturday 30th May, Russell Street, Halifax city centre. Between 11am – 3pm
Our Yorkshire & Humber MEP Godfrey Bloom will be attending both stalls and is wanting to see as many members/ supporters there as possible, it is also a good opportunity for you to meet your MEP!Thanks for everybody that has replied so far.
Please advise if you hope to attend, please try and make it, even it is for only a short time.
This is the last big push before the Euro Elections, and every vote could count!
The below UKIP Euro Election street stalls are now confirmed:
(Bank Holiday) Monday 25th May, outside Zavvi superstor, Tyrrel Street, Bradford city centre.
Between 11am – 3pmSaturday 30th May, Russell Street, Halifax city centre. Between 11am – 3pm
Our Yorkshire & Humber MEP Godfrey Bloom will be attending both stalls and is wanting to see as many members/ supporters there as possible, it is also a good opportunity for you to meet your MEP!Thanks for everybody that has replied so far.
Please advise if you hope to attend, please try and make it, even it is for only a short time.
This is the last big push before the Euro Elections, and every vote could count!
Friday, 22 May 2009
UKIP Bradford on the Expenses Scandle
Please find UKIP Bradford Chairman Jason Smith's published letters on the current expenses scandle & below what UKIPs proposals are on shaking up the system
"Where are the morals?" (T&A)
"A show of inegrity" (T&A)
"Do these MPs have any morals?" (Halifax Courier)
"...this won't solve the problems over the greed of MPs getting their snouts in the trough, the moat cleaning, the houses and the dog biscuits, but it will allow us to do something about it. We'll be able to do something to the people who have done this with our hard earned money that we've had to pay in taxes, to punish them."
"In California for example, if 12% of the voters at the previous election sign a petition asking for a new election then there will be one. There doesn't have to be a specific reason, simply if enough of the voters think that they deserve to choose again then they can indeed choose again."
See the full article:
“In Sweden, second homes in Stockholm for members who live outside the capital are provided by the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) and let to the MPs free of charge”, said UKIP Chairman Paul Nuttall. Swedish MPs who choose to live in apartments they have found themselves receive a flat 7,000 Krona, the equivalent of under £600 a month, and they cannot claim for improvements to that accommodation."
“This system would put a stop to British MPs climbing the property ladder and making huge sums of money at the expense of the taxpayer,” said Mr Nuttall, who is also UKIP’s number one candidate for the European election in the North West.
"Also in Sweden MPs travel expenses are covered by parliament but journeys must be undertaken in the cheapest possible way. And they must be booked through the parliamentary travel office”
See the full article:
"Where are the morals?" (T&A)
"A show of inegrity" (T&A)
"Do these MPs have any morals?" (Halifax Courier)
"...this won't solve the problems over the greed of MPs getting their snouts in the trough, the moat cleaning, the houses and the dog biscuits, but it will allow us to do something about it. We'll be able to do something to the people who have done this with our hard earned money that we've had to pay in taxes, to punish them."
"In California for example, if 12% of the voters at the previous election sign a petition asking for a new election then there will be one. There doesn't have to be a specific reason, simply if enough of the voters think that they deserve to choose again then they can indeed choose again."
See the full article:
“In Sweden, second homes in Stockholm for members who live outside the capital are provided by the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) and let to the MPs free of charge”, said UKIP Chairman Paul Nuttall. Swedish MPs who choose to live in apartments they have found themselves receive a flat 7,000 Krona, the equivalent of under £600 a month, and they cannot claim for improvements to that accommodation."
“This system would put a stop to British MPs climbing the property ladder and making huge sums of money at the expense of the taxpayer,” said Mr Nuttall, who is also UKIP’s number one candidate for the European election in the North West.
"Also in Sweden MPs travel expenses are covered by parliament but journeys must be undertaken in the cheapest possible way. And they must be booked through the parliamentary travel office”
See the full article:
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
UKIP Bradford Facebook Group

If the link dosn't work properly, just use the search box at the top of facebook and type "UKIP Bradford" and we should be the top result.
In our group will be updates of the pub campaign (among others), what our policies are on local issues, what we have had published in the local press and a chance to talk to us!
You don't have to be a UKIP member to join, please feel free to join to find out what we get upto, get invited to events and talk to some of us - although it will be mainly me who runs the group hehe :o)
Also here is the link to the "Official UKIP Group" on Facebook, for more information about the wider party:
We've been having lots of enquiries locally about UKIP Bradford, and membership is beginning to really grow!
We are also planning some campaigning days in Halifax and Bradford, so watch out for them or get intouch to lend a hand!
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Message from the Chairman - Campaigning Days!
As the Euro Elections are nearly upon us, I was looking to organise 2 street stalls, one in Bradford city centre and one in Halifax city centre, probably between 11am – 3pm on:
Saturday 23rd May
Saturday 30th May
I would need at least 2 others in order to do each stall, but the more people the better, the more people we have the more people we can talk to!
Please let me know which dates you can help out with, or possibly both – we will advise which date is in which area depending on how many helpers come forward from each area.
With UKIP at 19% in the polls, this is expected to be the best result of all time for us and we could return record numbers of MEPs. Any time you can spare would be appreciated.
Saturday 23rd May
Saturday 30th May
I would need at least 2 others in order to do each stall, but the more people the better, the more people we have the more people we can talk to!
Please let me know which dates you can help out with, or possibly both – we will advise which date is in which area depending on how many helpers come forward from each area.
With UKIP at 19% in the polls, this is expected to be the best result of all time for us and we could return record numbers of MEPs. Any time you can spare would be appreciated.
Monday, 4 May 2009
UKIP Yorkshire Campaign Launch

A lovely day in the sun with Godfrey having a good interview with the Politics Show and celebrating St. Geroges Day.
I think we must be the only party for people to drive past, beep and wave support at us during our roadside unveiling of the Churchill billboards.
A very encouraging sign, and i think this election will go very well for us.
Shortly after we visited the pub across the road and found they had the UKIP "save the pub" beermats out and was a great afternoon talking to some of the locals and landlords.
Here is also a video of the launch and other events:
You can see me just peeking behind Godders in the photo (the tall lanky lad) and in the video got a prime spot next to Godders on the left, early in the interview on yesssssss :)
Election Launch,
UKIP Yorkshire,
Monday, 20 April 2009
Pub Campaign Update!
Well we were back round the pubs today, picking up lots of full petitions!
We did a re-run of the previous group of pubs around Royds and Wyke area.
We've had new "UKIP Save the Pub" A3 Posters printed and were well recieved, with some publicans putting them up right infront of us! Also the new beermats were given out, which pubs snatched our hands off for.
Chatting with some pubs, we found that since we'd been round before, a few of the pubs were going to close down, obviously we were a bit too late for those pubs with the campaign.
Still, a very encouraging day, many of the landlords/landladies remembering us from last time and had a good chat about the trade and UKIP.
Pubs we Visited:Prince of Orange, New Furnace, Beehive, Waggoners, Kings Head, Drop Kick, Junction, The Crown, Oddfellows Hall, Oddfellows, Brown Cow, The Royal, Mail Coach (closing), Northern (landlady leaving the trade), Cap and Bells* (1st visit), The George (1st visit)
*When we visited Cap and Bells for the 1st time, they had already heard of the campaign and had petitions because a pub we previously visited had passed on our campaign!
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Pub Campaign Website:
We did a re-run of the previous group of pubs around Royds and Wyke area.
We've had new "UKIP Save the Pub" A3 Posters printed and were well recieved, with some publicans putting them up right infront of us! Also the new beermats were given out, which pubs snatched our hands off for.
Chatting with some pubs, we found that since we'd been round before, a few of the pubs were going to close down, obviously we were a bit too late for those pubs with the campaign.
Still, a very encouraging day, many of the landlords/landladies remembering us from last time and had a good chat about the trade and UKIP.
Pubs we Visited:Prince of Orange, New Furnace, Beehive, Waggoners, Kings Head, Drop Kick, Junction, The Crown, Oddfellows Hall, Oddfellows, Brown Cow, The Royal, Mail Coach (closing), Northern (landlady leaving the trade), Cap and Bells* (1st visit), The George (1st visit)
*When we visited Cap and Bells for the 1st time, they had already heard of the campaign and had petitions because a pub we previously visited had passed on our campaign!
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Pub Campaign Website:
Friday, 10 April 2009
UKIP Speaking at Freedom2Choose Meeting
UKIP line up for Freedom2Choose Meeting
Members of Northern England Freedom2Choose will be meeting this Saturday 11 April at The Painters Arms Public House, 35 Bradford Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire.
This regular event attracts visitors from throughout Northern England who are concerned with the erosion of civil liberties and choice, particularly in relation to the smoking ban.
MEP Godfrey Bloom (UKIP Yorkshire MEP) will be amongst the speakers attending the meeting, which commences at 2pm, along with Jason Smith (UKIP Bradford) and Nick Hogan (UKIP Chorley) to offer support for the Freedom2Choose national campaign to amend the smoking ban. Godfrey Bloom MEP is expected to speak at 4pm.Pro-choice group Freedom2Choose hold regular meetings throughout the country and now boast over 4.5 million supporters.
Freedom2Choose are a non-political, unfunded, voluntary organisation seeking to demonstrate that suitable alternatives exist to accommodate smokers and non-smokers alike.
John Baker, Freedom2Choose Secretary and organiser of the event states, “The landlords are delighted that Godfrey Bloom continues to take an interest in the draconian smoking ban, as the ban has devastated the licensed trade.
They are interested in hearing the UKIP policy on the smoking ban and are expecting more visitors than usual at this gathering.
All new-comers and guests are more than welcome to attend.”The current smoking ban legislation in force within the UK is one of the most stringent within Europe and Freedom2Choose is campaigning for a reform to place the UK more in line with the majority of the other EU countries.
Members of Northern England Freedom2Choose will be meeting this Saturday 11 April at The Painters Arms Public House, 35 Bradford Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire.
This regular event attracts visitors from throughout Northern England who are concerned with the erosion of civil liberties and choice, particularly in relation to the smoking ban.
MEP Godfrey Bloom (UKIP Yorkshire MEP) will be amongst the speakers attending the meeting, which commences at 2pm, along with Jason Smith (UKIP Bradford) and Nick Hogan (UKIP Chorley) to offer support for the Freedom2Choose national campaign to amend the smoking ban. Godfrey Bloom MEP is expected to speak at 4pm.Pro-choice group Freedom2Choose hold regular meetings throughout the country and now boast over 4.5 million supporters.
Freedom2Choose are a non-political, unfunded, voluntary organisation seeking to demonstrate that suitable alternatives exist to accommodate smokers and non-smokers alike.
John Baker, Freedom2Choose Secretary and organiser of the event states, “The landlords are delighted that Godfrey Bloom continues to take an interest in the draconian smoking ban, as the ban has devastated the licensed trade.
They are interested in hearing the UKIP policy on the smoking ban and are expecting more visitors than usual at this gathering.
All new-comers and guests are more than welcome to attend.”The current smoking ban legislation in force within the UK is one of the most stringent within Europe and Freedom2Choose is campaigning for a reform to place the UK more in line with the majority of the other EU countries.
Godfrey Bloom,
Jason Smith,
Smoking Ban,
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Save the Pub Campaign Update
We were out an about campaining in pubs today and were visitng pubs in Wyke and Royds among other areas.
Every pub was interested in our new pub policy paper, and we had some very positive feedback.We handed out two different types of beermats, the new posters, policy papers and loads of petitions that people were eager to sign on the spot!
Pubs we visited:
Prince of Orange, New Furnace, Beehive, Waggoners, Kings Head, Drop Kick, British Queen (where we sparked off a lively debate!), Junction, The Crown, Oddfellows Hall, Oddfellows, Brown Cow, The Royal, Mail Coach and the Northern
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Pub Campaign Website:
Every pub was interested in our new pub policy paper, and we had some very positive feedback.We handed out two different types of beermats, the new posters, policy papers and loads of petitions that people were eager to sign on the spot!
Pubs we visited:
Prince of Orange, New Furnace, Beehive, Waggoners, Kings Head, Drop Kick, British Queen (where we sparked off a lively debate!), Junction, The Crown, Oddfellows Hall, Oddfellows, Brown Cow, The Royal, Mail Coach and the Northern
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Pub Campaign Website:
Save the Pub,
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Public Meeting on Regeneration
"Bradford Civic Society wants residents to become more involved in the regeneration of Bradford city centre.
It wants to hear people’s views on what is good, what is not so good and what they would like to see in the future in terms of regeneration." - T&A
Looks like we'll get a chance to get our two-peneth in with the Civic society at an open meeting.
The event is called "The Regeneration of Bradford City Centre"
at the Impressions Gallery
Centenary Square
between noon and 4pm on Saturday, March 21.
Make sure you get there and voice your concerns over the number of craters in the city and the poor odeon!
UKIP Called for sacking of regeneration boss - Yorkshire Post Article
UKIP Called for a local vote on plans for the odeon - T&A Article
It wants to hear people’s views on what is good, what is not so good and what they would like to see in the future in terms of regeneration." - T&A
Looks like we'll get a chance to get our two-peneth in with the Civic society at an open meeting.
The event is called "The Regeneration of Bradford City Centre"
at the Impressions Gallery
Centenary Square
between noon and 4pm on Saturday, March 21.
Make sure you get there and voice your concerns over the number of craters in the city and the poor odeon!
UKIP Called for sacking of regeneration boss - Yorkshire Post Article
UKIP Called for a local vote on plans for the odeon - T&A Article
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Pub News
Came across this interesting article from the Yorkshire Evening Post.
Looks like Gerry Sutcliffe (MP Bradford South - Licensing Minister for the country) - could be taking a leaf out of our policy.....
UKIP Says: "...would also allow the designation of established pubs for pub use only in local plans, to avoid closure and conversion into other uses, where there is a strong local desire to retain pubs "
Ministers Say: "Ministers are also looking at beefing up planning rules to prevent former pub buildings being so easily bulldozed."
UKIP Says: "...would cut business rates and taxes on community pubs. "
Minister Say: "WEST Yorkshire pubs that are “centres of the community” could enjoy lower business rates under proposals being examined by the Government."
UKIP Says: "...would reduce both EU derived regulations, and UK regulations and controls, and tone down enforcement regimes, involving variously licences, permits, certificates, surveys, reports, audits, contracts, procedures, assessments and policies."
Ministers Say: "Licensing minister Gerry Sutcliffe said planned action includes simplifying minor changes to licences and helping pubs stay open when the licence holder dies."
"She (Treasury Minister Angela Eagle) rejected calls for lower alcohol tax for pubs compared to supermarkets, saying it would be illegal under EU law."
Looks like Gerry and chums are taking pages out of our book! ... and yes, according to the Treasury Minister, EU rules are stopping us from looking at potential alternatives!
UKIP spot on again ;)
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Campaign Website:
Looks like Gerry Sutcliffe (MP Bradford South - Licensing Minister for the country) - could be taking a leaf out of our policy.....
UKIP Says: "...would also allow the designation of established pubs for pub use only in local plans, to avoid closure and conversion into other uses, where there is a strong local desire to retain pubs "
Ministers Say: "Ministers are also looking at beefing up planning rules to prevent former pub buildings being so easily bulldozed."
UKIP Says: "...would cut business rates and taxes on community pubs. "
Minister Say: "WEST Yorkshire pubs that are “centres of the community” could enjoy lower business rates under proposals being examined by the Government."
UKIP Says: "...would reduce both EU derived regulations, and UK regulations and controls, and tone down enforcement regimes, involving variously licences, permits, certificates, surveys, reports, audits, contracts, procedures, assessments and policies."
Ministers Say: "Licensing minister Gerry Sutcliffe said planned action includes simplifying minor changes to licences and helping pubs stay open when the licence holder dies."
"She (Treasury Minister Angela Eagle) rejected calls for lower alcohol tax for pubs compared to supermarkets, saying it would be illegal under EU law."
Looks like Gerry and chums are taking pages out of our book! ... and yes, according to the Treasury Minister, EU rules are stopping us from looking at potential alternatives!
UKIP spot on again ;)
UKIP Pub Policy:
UKIP Campaign Website:
Gerry Sutcliffe,
Pub Closures,
Save the Pub,
Yorkshire Forward
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Another "Hole in the Heart"
The T&A reports more of Bradford City is centre is demolished in a £45 million pound scheme.
"McAleer & Rushe, a leading construction and development company in Northern Ireland, has applied for planning permission for a 200-bed hotel, to be run by the Jurys Inn chain, and 13,500 square metres of offices."
The T&A also reports the demolition has taken place before any kind of planning application has been approved. There are also reports that the area is a conservation area, which makes the whole process rather bizarre.
10's of millions of pounds wasted on what could be another Broadway fiasco, and looking at how long the recession maybe, the companies may go bust before completion.
"The Park in the Heart" is set to cost a fair amount, as well as the (never appearing) Westfield Development. The Odeon is another contentious issue.
Don't get us wrong, we want to see Bradford as a modern, enticing place to do business and live. But the amount of money thrown at these big city demolition jobs, and the lack of progress at a time when we need to be bringing in business to provide jobs in the recession is incredible.
The Council would do better using money to give the people of Bradford a Council Tax freeze instead of putting it up to pay for all these failed projects. We need to get people spending again and help them pay the bills instead of raising taxes every year.
What we really need is to have a council that can control its own business rates, look to lower them so Bradford can be a competitive place to do business. - We need to encourage businesses to set up shop!
"McAleer & Rushe, a leading construction and development company in Northern Ireland, has applied for planning permission for a 200-bed hotel, to be run by the Jurys Inn chain, and 13,500 square metres of offices."
The T&A also reports the demolition has taken place before any kind of planning application has been approved. There are also reports that the area is a conservation area, which makes the whole process rather bizarre.
10's of millions of pounds wasted on what could be another Broadway fiasco, and looking at how long the recession maybe, the companies may go bust before completion.
"The Park in the Heart" is set to cost a fair amount, as well as the (never appearing) Westfield Development. The Odeon is another contentious issue.
Don't get us wrong, we want to see Bradford as a modern, enticing place to do business and live. But the amount of money thrown at these big city demolition jobs, and the lack of progress at a time when we need to be bringing in business to provide jobs in the recession is incredible.
The Council would do better using money to give the people of Bradford a Council Tax freeze instead of putting it up to pay for all these failed projects. We need to get people spending again and help them pay the bills instead of raising taxes every year.
What we really need is to have a council that can control its own business rates, look to lower them so Bradford can be a competitive place to do business. - We need to encourage businesses to set up shop!
City Projects,
Friday, 6 March 2009
Local Pool Consultation
Bradford Council have launched a "district-wide" consultation on swimming pool and sport facilities in Bradford reports the T&A.
There is an online survey asking for your thoughts on the Bradford Council Website:
Click here to take the survey:
It seems very quiet on the Bradford Council website, with no news release about it, except a solitary link on the left of the main page, without much explanation.
After the outcry against possible closures of local communinty pools last year, it comes as a bit of a relief that the public will be consulted. However, there seem to be no other ways the consultation process will be undertaken. For people who aren't IT savy probably won't be able to find out about the consultation.
UKIP Bradford supports the maintenance of local community pools and fully opposes possible plans to close them in favour of one central pool in the city centre.
The man to contact about the consultation is:
"If you have any queries please contact: John Coulton on 01274 438795 or email"
There is an online survey asking for your thoughts on the Bradford Council Website:
Click here to take the survey:
It seems very quiet on the Bradford Council website, with no news release about it, except a solitary link on the left of the main page, without much explanation.
After the outcry against possible closures of local communinty pools last year, it comes as a bit of a relief that the public will be consulted. However, there seem to be no other ways the consultation process will be undertaken. For people who aren't IT savy probably won't be able to find out about the consultation.
UKIP Bradford supports the maintenance of local community pools and fully opposes possible plans to close them in favour of one central pool in the city centre.
The man to contact about the consultation is:
"If you have any queries please contact: John Coulton on 01274 438795 or email"
Swimming Pools
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Pub Pressure steps up
T&A have now reported local publicans in Bradford are speaking out against the declining pub industry.
The report highlights that "Government figures show that 52 pubs have been lost in Bradford in four years."
"William Wagstaff, licensee of the New Beehive Inn in Westgate, will celebrate 20 years there next Sunday and says things have never been worse for the British pub.
“I have certainly weathered a few storms, and this is by far and away the worst the situation has ever been,” he said."
The pressure will be mounting on local Bradofrd MP Gerry Sutcliffe, as he is the licensing minister for the country.
UKIP Bradford will be kicking off their "save the pub campaign" to help focus a local voice for more help in the pub industry and bring pressure on MP Gerry Sutcliffe.
UKIP propose to cut duty/taxes on traditional draught beers such as real ale, ciders & some lagers
UKIP propose to allow the council to cut business rates on important community pubs (not just single, rural pubs of small rateable value as now)
UKIP would help finance nationally the excellent 'Pub is the Hub' initiative, which assists pubs in diversifying and encouraging social enterprise
UKIP would work with Sky TV to provide a fairer, non-monopolistic pricing structure
See the full UKIP Pub Policy Here:
See the UKIP Camapign Website:
The report highlights that "Government figures show that 52 pubs have been lost in Bradford in four years."
"William Wagstaff, licensee of the New Beehive Inn in Westgate, will celebrate 20 years there next Sunday and says things have never been worse for the British pub.
“I have certainly weathered a few storms, and this is by far and away the worst the situation has ever been,” he said."
The pressure will be mounting on local Bradofrd MP Gerry Sutcliffe, as he is the licensing minister for the country.
UKIP Bradford will be kicking off their "save the pub campaign" to help focus a local voice for more help in the pub industry and bring pressure on MP Gerry Sutcliffe.
UKIP propose to cut duty/taxes on traditional draught beers such as real ale, ciders & some lagers
UKIP propose to allow the council to cut business rates on important community pubs (not just single, rural pubs of small rateable value as now)
UKIP would help finance nationally the excellent 'Pub is the Hub' initiative, which assists pubs in diversifying and encouraging social enterprise
UKIP would work with Sky TV to provide a fairer, non-monopolistic pricing structure
See the full UKIP Pub Policy Here:
See the UKIP Camapign Website:
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Pub Closures in Yorkshire
Yorkshire Post have a piece on the problems facing local pubs in Yorkshire....
The report suggets 300 community pubs have closed their doors in Yorkshire in the past four years.
"Campaigners have pledged to making saving the nation's pubs as big a political issue as the fight to preserve post offices last year as 36 close their doors every week."
This couldn't have been better news for us in UKIP as we have recently produced a "pub policy" which we will be kicking off a campaign with in Bradford.
"figures released by the Commons all-party beer group...reveal 311 Yorkshire pubs have closed since the last General Election in June 2005"
UKIP Bradford will be targetting it's campaign in Bradford South, as that is where sitting MP Gerry Sutcliffe is also "Licensing Minister" for the country. We hope to gather loads of signatures and landords/ladys support upto the next general election, to put real pressure on him to help out instead of persecute our declining pub industry.
Watch out for UKIP beermats, petitions, posters and pub policies in your pubs around Bradford in the coming months! We will be aiming to meet every Landord/lady in Bradford South and have a good chat, and hopefully roll the campaign out around Bradford.
See the Campaign Website:
See the UKIP Pub Policy:
The report suggets 300 community pubs have closed their doors in Yorkshire in the past four years.
"Campaigners have pledged to making saving the nation's pubs as big a political issue as the fight to preserve post offices last year as 36 close their doors every week."
This couldn't have been better news for us in UKIP as we have recently produced a "pub policy" which we will be kicking off a campaign with in Bradford.
"figures released by the Commons all-party beer group...reveal 311 Yorkshire pubs have closed since the last General Election in June 2005"
UKIP Bradford will be targetting it's campaign in Bradford South, as that is where sitting MP Gerry Sutcliffe is also "Licensing Minister" for the country. We hope to gather loads of signatures and landords/ladys support upto the next general election, to put real pressure on him to help out instead of persecute our declining pub industry.
Watch out for UKIP beermats, petitions, posters and pub policies in your pubs around Bradford in the coming months! We will be aiming to meet every Landord/lady in Bradford South and have a good chat, and hopefully roll the campaign out around Bradford.
See the Campaign Website:
See the UKIP Pub Policy:
Save the Pub,
Monday, 2 March 2009
Going, going...not yet gone....
News on the Bradford Odeon!
Let's see.......ahhh, more hold ups.
A report from the T&A reveals there maybe "revisions" to the plans of demolishing the current Odeon which could trigger another public consulatition. Not that the council will listen as they ignored the "hug the odeon" event, the setup of the rescue group and the numerous petitions handed to them.
We must'nt forget that it is YORKSHIRE FORWARD that owns the property. A "regional development agency" that has a budget of millions, no accountability and are a symptom of the lack of transparency in local decision making.
These regional bureaucratic quangos must be abolished, freeing up more money for local services and handing more decision making back to local people.
Are we seeing another Westfield development? A multi-million pound, big project that will take years before anything happens and get any benefits from. Not to mention the demolition of the Odeon is widely un-popular.
UKIP Bradford Supports BORG (Bradford Odeon Rescue Group)
UKIP Bradford called for a local vote over the different plans for the Odeon
Let's see.......ahhh, more hold ups.
A report from the T&A reveals there maybe "revisions" to the plans of demolishing the current Odeon which could trigger another public consulatition. Not that the council will listen as they ignored the "hug the odeon" event, the setup of the rescue group and the numerous petitions handed to them.
We must'nt forget that it is YORKSHIRE FORWARD that owns the property. A "regional development agency" that has a budget of millions, no accountability and are a symptom of the lack of transparency in local decision making.
These regional bureaucratic quangos must be abolished, freeing up more money for local services and handing more decision making back to local people.
Are we seeing another Westfield development? A multi-million pound, big project that will take years before anything happens and get any benefits from. Not to mention the demolition of the Odeon is widely un-popular.
UKIP Bradford Supports BORG (Bradford Odeon Rescue Group)
UKIP Bradford called for a local vote over the different plans for the Odeon
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Did we really expect anything more?
"Construction work on Bradford’s £320 million shopping centre will definitely not start this year, its owner has revealed. "
Yep, that huge crater in the centre of our city is DEFINATELY NOT going to be worked on this year according to the T&A and Westfield.
I've lost count about how many years its been since the bulldozers came in, i think I've been to university (with a year out) in the time it's taken to get things moving. (and in fact i think it maybe longer!)
If the Council had not been so incompetent with the building contracts, we would have had this shopping up and running well before the recession which would have come as a relief to everyone and providing much needed jobs for the area, AND actually bringing in new businesses.
As it says in the report, it is no surprise that Westfield are not going to crack on with the expensive building work, especially with the recession worsening.
But what can the Council do to bring businesses back to Bradford to provide jobs? It would be UKIPs policy to return control of business rates to local councils, handing back some of the power from central government, which would allow us to control direct taxation on businesses.
Bradford is going to close down unless we get new businesses to move in, but there is little the council can do to encourage this. Bradford is losing custom to Leeds and Halifax and winning it back is going to be hard, especially in a recession.
Yep, that huge crater in the centre of our city is DEFINATELY NOT going to be worked on this year according to the T&A and Westfield.
I've lost count about how many years its been since the bulldozers came in, i think I've been to university (with a year out) in the time it's taken to get things moving. (and in fact i think it maybe longer!)
If the Council had not been so incompetent with the building contracts, we would have had this shopping up and running well before the recession which would have come as a relief to everyone and providing much needed jobs for the area, AND actually bringing in new businesses.
As it says in the report, it is no surprise that Westfield are not going to crack on with the expensive building work, especially with the recession worsening.
But what can the Council do to bring businesses back to Bradford to provide jobs? It would be UKIPs policy to return control of business rates to local councils, handing back some of the power from central government, which would allow us to control direct taxation on businesses.
Bradford is going to close down unless we get new businesses to move in, but there is little the council can do to encourage this. Bradford is losing custom to Leeds and Halifax and winning it back is going to be hard, especially in a recession.
Shopping Centre,
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Bradford Tory Tax Rises Again
The T&A have reported that the Tories have reached a deal in which they can raises tax again this year.
In a deal struck with the Lib Dems and Greens the rise will be 2.5%
At a time when its harder to pay the bills, when food prices are going up, when we need people to start buying again to kick start the economy, the Tories decide to increase taxes again.
What have we seen over the past year with our taxes?
Local swimming pools under threat
Post Offices Closing
Poor road maintenance/patchy gritting
The multi-million pound crater on Broadway
The proposed demolition of the iconic Odeon
UKIP is the only local party that would vote against any further rises in Council Tax, expose the waste of the region and council, and pump more funding into frontline services.
In a deal struck with the Lib Dems and Greens the rise will be 2.5%
At a time when its harder to pay the bills, when food prices are going up, when we need people to start buying again to kick start the economy, the Tories decide to increase taxes again.
What have we seen over the past year with our taxes?
Local swimming pools under threat
Post Offices Closing
Poor road maintenance/patchy gritting
The multi-million pound crater on Broadway
The proposed demolition of the iconic Odeon
UKIP is the only local party that would vote against any further rises in Council Tax, expose the waste of the region and council, and pump more funding into frontline services.
Council Tax,
Branch chairman on local Radio
Tune in to hear Branch Chairman and MEP Candidate for Yorkshire Jason Smith on BCB Radio Friday 27th February.
The discussion will be the 57th anniversary of the abolition of wartime identity cards and other No2ID business.
Tune into 106.6 fm at 11:45am on Friday.
The discussion will be the 57th anniversary of the abolition of wartime identity cards and other No2ID business.
Tune into 106.6 fm at 11:45am on Friday.
ID Cards,
Jason Smith,
Local Radio,
Monday, 23 February 2009
Labour to Privatise Royal Mail
A report by the BBC has highlighted the looming vote on further privatization of Royal Mail.
Not only has Labour adopted the rules that have allowed foreign and private companies cherry pick the profitable parts of the postal service from Royal Mail, leaving it unable to sustain the service and Post office network.
Not only have Labour voted to continue the Post Office closure programme despite a wide-spread public backlash.
Not only has Labour withdrawn services from the Post Office and is unable to help sustain the network due to "State Aid" rules.
Now Labour wishes to sell off more public assets to the private sector. 30% of Royal Mail will be sold off to the Dutch firm TNT. No doubt the local Bradford Labour MPs will enthusiastially vote in favour of further privatization of what used to be a sustainable and profit making service.
Labour can't be trusted with our vital public services and will continue to sell out the country and our public services for a quick buck.
UKIP Bradford will be watching how our local MPs vote and make sure it is known by the public.
Click HERE to find out more about how Labour is destroying our Royal Mail and Post Offices.
Not only has Labour adopted the rules that have allowed foreign and private companies cherry pick the profitable parts of the postal service from Royal Mail, leaving it unable to sustain the service and Post office network.
Not only have Labour voted to continue the Post Office closure programme despite a wide-spread public backlash.
Not only has Labour withdrawn services from the Post Office and is unable to help sustain the network due to "State Aid" rules.
Now Labour wishes to sell off more public assets to the private sector. 30% of Royal Mail will be sold off to the Dutch firm TNT. No doubt the local Bradford Labour MPs will enthusiastially vote in favour of further privatization of what used to be a sustainable and profit making service.
Labour can't be trusted with our vital public services and will continue to sell out the country and our public services for a quick buck.
UKIP Bradford will be watching how our local MPs vote and make sure it is known by the public.
Click HERE to find out more about how Labour is destroying our Royal Mail and Post Offices.
Bradford MPs,
Royal Mail,
Sunday, 8 February 2009
More Job losses, More loss of Royal Mail?
Well the ongoing complaint continues, Tory Council Tax goes up, Bradford services are cut.
In this case, the Bradford Royal Mail sorting office is under real threat of closure. 700 jobs are on the line. The work maybe transferred to Leeds, but it is a testament to the Tory led decline in Bradford, that services and vitality of the city declines a big step each year.
We need jobs in recession, and putting more workers on the dole doesn’t help anyone, these kinds of public service jobs need to be safeguarded, because if we wait for a new shopping centre to be built or new businesses to move in to provide jobs, we'll be waiting a long time!
Of course before 1997, Royal Mail was an efficient and profit making service, in which the profitable parts of the service (e.g. business mail) helped pay for the unprofitable parts (e.g. Post Offices)
But then Labour got their hands on it, forced privatisation by opening the service up to competition, which has meant Royal Mail is now in decline.
The EU Postal Directives allowed the private companies to cherry pick the business mail and profitable parts of the service, while Royal Mail was left supporting the unprofitable bits and rural routes.
The Bradford Labour MPs will cry foul no doubt, but do nothing, just as they did when they voted to continue the Post Office closure programme, and their parties support for the EU rules crippling Royal Mail and the part-privatisation of Royal Mail itself.
Full liberalisation of the postal service by the start of 2011 – There will be nothing left of Royal Mail to compete
In this case, the Bradford Royal Mail sorting office is under real threat of closure. 700 jobs are on the line. The work maybe transferred to Leeds, but it is a testament to the Tory led decline in Bradford, that services and vitality of the city declines a big step each year.
We need jobs in recession, and putting more workers on the dole doesn’t help anyone, these kinds of public service jobs need to be safeguarded, because if we wait for a new shopping centre to be built or new businesses to move in to provide jobs, we'll be waiting a long time!
Of course before 1997, Royal Mail was an efficient and profit making service, in which the profitable parts of the service (e.g. business mail) helped pay for the unprofitable parts (e.g. Post Offices)
But then Labour got their hands on it, forced privatisation by opening the service up to competition, which has meant Royal Mail is now in decline.
The EU Postal Directives allowed the private companies to cherry pick the business mail and profitable parts of the service, while Royal Mail was left supporting the unprofitable bits and rural routes.
The Bradford Labour MPs will cry foul no doubt, but do nothing, just as they did when they voted to continue the Post Office closure programme, and their parties support for the EU rules crippling Royal Mail and the part-privatisation of Royal Mail itself.
Full liberalisation of the postal service by the start of 2011 – There will be nothing left of Royal Mail to compete
Thursday, 29 January 2009
UKIP to help local Pubs
First of all, apologies for not updating the blog recently. Ive been helping in the redesign of the UKIP Bradford website, had uni exams over the last few weeks and been campaigning.
The national party has produced a policy paper regarding pubs.
Find here:
I'm sure publicans and customers won't find any proposals more attractive than these from the other parties.
After the successful launching of a pub campaign last May in Queensbury, we distributed UKIP beermats, posters and petitions garnering much interest and response. Now with much more resources and help from the national party, we should be able to roll this campaign out around Bradford.
It is also interesting to point out the Bradford South MP Gerry Sutcliffe is the licensing minister for the country. Some of his past comments can be found here:
We've got a real chance to send Gerry a message that damaging legislation and rises in alcohol duty only costs jobs and much like the closure of Post Offices, destroying what can be the hub of a village.
Also worth of note is that the Queensbury BNP Councillors currently do not take their seat they can have on the licenscing committee, so there is only UKIP standing up for our local pubs!
The Campaign (Save the pub) website can be found here:
The national party has produced a policy paper regarding pubs.
Find here:
I'm sure publicans and customers won't find any proposals more attractive than these from the other parties.
After the successful launching of a pub campaign last May in Queensbury, we distributed UKIP beermats, posters and petitions garnering much interest and response. Now with much more resources and help from the national party, we should be able to roll this campaign out around Bradford.
It is also interesting to point out the Bradford South MP Gerry Sutcliffe is the licensing minister for the country. Some of his past comments can be found here:
We've got a real chance to send Gerry a message that damaging legislation and rises in alcohol duty only costs jobs and much like the closure of Post Offices, destroying what can be the hub of a village.
Also worth of note is that the Queensbury BNP Councillors currently do not take their seat they can have on the licenscing committee, so there is only UKIP standing up for our local pubs!
The Campaign (Save the pub) website can be found here:
Save the Pub,
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Tory Tax Rises
The BBC reports that Council Tax will be rising by 3.5%
“A 3.5% increase in April would take the average bill for 2009-10 to £1,421.
This would be a rise of £48 over the year, or 92p a week.”
The Tories of course are crying foul of tax hikes at a time when it’s becoming harder and harder to pay the bill, and as people are losing their jobs.
However, no doubt the Bradford Tories have other ideas. Year on year they have raised Council Tax, and put more pressure on the elderly and the hard working families of our district.
With these rises we have also seen cuts in services, bus fares increase and we still have a crater in the middle of our city.
With the recession, if we should have to tighten our belt, so should government. How about making savings by abolishing the regional quangos the Regional Assembly and Regional Development Agency that cost us tens of millions every year?
UKIP Bradford is the only local party that will vote against any more Council Tax rises and actively seek more Council Tax relief, especially those in immediate vulnerable circumstances.
“A 3.5% increase in April would take the average bill for 2009-10 to £1,421.
This would be a rise of £48 over the year, or 92p a week.”
The Tories of course are crying foul of tax hikes at a time when it’s becoming harder and harder to pay the bill, and as people are losing their jobs.
However, no doubt the Bradford Tories have other ideas. Year on year they have raised Council Tax, and put more pressure on the elderly and the hard working families of our district.
With these rises we have also seen cuts in services, bus fares increase and we still have a crater in the middle of our city.
With the recession, if we should have to tighten our belt, so should government. How about making savings by abolishing the regional quangos the Regional Assembly and Regional Development Agency that cost us tens of millions every year?
UKIP Bradford is the only local party that will vote against any more Council Tax rises and actively seek more Council Tax relief, especially those in immediate vulnerable circumstances.
Council Tax,
Tax Rise
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Fuel Poverty
An interesting piece in the T&A regarding fuel poverty, and upcoming legislation.
Instead of creating more complicated rules and regulations (and thereby making the whole process more expensive), I think the following proposals would be good to debate.
Scrap VAT on energy
Raise the tax-free personal allowance to £10,000
Freeze Council Tax rises
The energy companies are making millions out of us, at a time when it's becoming harder and harder to pay the bill. We need more than a one off payment, we need lasting lower prices and help paying the bill. (Labour want a one off windfall tax payment by the energy companies)
We need to help out the lower earners with a higher personal allowance.
We should at least freeze Council Tax as it is this that really hits the elderly hard.
Scrap VAT on energy thereby lowering prices for everybody.
There was talk of Labour looking into raising the personal allowance to £10,000 which is good news. But I seriously doubt the Bradford Tory Council will resisit putting up Council Tax again this year. As for scrapping the VAT, we couldn't do that because we are in the EU. (Well UKIP could but none of the other parties can!)
T&A Report:
Instead of creating more complicated rules and regulations (and thereby making the whole process more expensive), I think the following proposals would be good to debate.
Scrap VAT on energy
Raise the tax-free personal allowance to £10,000
Freeze Council Tax rises
The energy companies are making millions out of us, at a time when it's becoming harder and harder to pay the bill. We need more than a one off payment, we need lasting lower prices and help paying the bill. (Labour want a one off windfall tax payment by the energy companies)
We need to help out the lower earners with a higher personal allowance.
We should at least freeze Council Tax as it is this that really hits the elderly hard.
Scrap VAT on energy thereby lowering prices for everybody.
There was talk of Labour looking into raising the personal allowance to £10,000 which is good news. But I seriously doubt the Bradford Tory Council will resisit putting up Council Tax again this year. As for scrapping the VAT, we couldn't do that because we are in the EU. (Well UKIP could but none of the other parties can!)
T&A Report:
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Labour Hipocrisy Over Royal Mail Privatization
Bradford Labour MPs are crying foul over Gordon Brown bringing in Dutch owned TNT to begin the creeping privatization of our Royal Mail.
This is just symptom of much wider problem. I'm sure these local MPs would be shocked to learn that there must be full liberalisation of postal services by 2011!
Due to EU regulations Royal Mail has been forced to compete with private and foreign postal services. These other providers are only interested in the profit, and so only operate on the profitable parts of the service and business mail, while poor old Royal Mail has to keep the rural routes and less profitable parts going. Of course this is un-sustainable.
Labour is running the Royal Mail into the ground due to this unfair competition.
If the Labour MPs really cared for our public services they would demand Royal Mail be brought back into public ownership and given the sole monopoly to operate as it did pre-1997, as an efficient, profit making service which put people before profit.
Of course, the only way that is going to happen is to ignore the rules or leave the EU, which Labour MPs will not dare do. So Labour MPs which is it? You can't have your cake and eat it.
T&A Report:
This is just symptom of much wider problem. I'm sure these local MPs would be shocked to learn that there must be full liberalisation of postal services by 2011!
Due to EU regulations Royal Mail has been forced to compete with private and foreign postal services. These other providers are only interested in the profit, and so only operate on the profitable parts of the service and business mail, while poor old Royal Mail has to keep the rural routes and less profitable parts going. Of course this is un-sustainable.
Labour is running the Royal Mail into the ground due to this unfair competition.
If the Labour MPs really cared for our public services they would demand Royal Mail be brought back into public ownership and given the sole monopoly to operate as it did pre-1997, as an efficient, profit making service which put people before profit.
Of course, the only way that is going to happen is to ignore the rules or leave the EU, which Labour MPs will not dare do. So Labour MPs which is it? You can't have your cake and eat it.
T&A Report:
Bradford MPs,
Postal Service,
Royal Mail
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Quango has the Power
Reported has been the stimulus of £10 billion by Gordon Brown to help create jobs.
All very nice to hear and much needed too, but no doubt we won't be getting a Council Tax cut from whatever money is trickled down to the Tory Bradford Council.
What is made clear in the report is that the Regional Development Agency (Yorkshire forward) holds the power of attorney over how much money will be given to Bradford.
This is a regional quango much like the Regional Assembly an un-elected, unaccountable, middle man wasting tax payers money when it could be spent on better public services.
The money will be poured into the city centre, withough any thought to the needs of the towns and villages of the district where most of the councillors actually hold their seat - and we all know how big city centre projects are managed!
An interesting quote at the end of the report:“...the EU heads of state, then announced a £12 billion fund to help small businesses deal with the financial situation...We still haven’t seen a mechanism for that. There’s a lot of rhetoric but no delivery.”
So, all talk and no money from the EU. The money we would get from this EU fund is a lot less than we put in, as we pay billions for this foreign bureaucracy. And apparently we can't even get our hands on that EU money. Sounds about right for the EU, why do we put up with it? I’m sure the French businesses get our money easy enough.
T&A Report:
All very nice to hear and much needed too, but no doubt we won't be getting a Council Tax cut from whatever money is trickled down to the Tory Bradford Council.
What is made clear in the report is that the Regional Development Agency (Yorkshire forward) holds the power of attorney over how much money will be given to Bradford.
This is a regional quango much like the Regional Assembly an un-elected, unaccountable, middle man wasting tax payers money when it could be spent on better public services.
The money will be poured into the city centre, withough any thought to the needs of the towns and villages of the district where most of the councillors actually hold their seat - and we all know how big city centre projects are managed!
An interesting quote at the end of the report:“...the EU heads of state, then announced a £12 billion fund to help small businesses deal with the financial situation...We still haven’t seen a mechanism for that. There’s a lot of rhetoric but no delivery.”
So, all talk and no money from the EU. The money we would get from this EU fund is a lot less than we put in, as we pay billions for this foreign bureaucracy. And apparently we can't even get our hands on that EU money. Sounds about right for the EU, why do we put up with it? I’m sure the French businesses get our money easy enough.
T&A Report:
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Goodbye Greenbelt
It is being reported that Bradford is going to have to add to the 50,000 homes its already being forced to build. Bradford will be taking extra housing that was allocated to the rest of the region, and i'm sure we all know where this housing is going to end up being built on.
The Regional Assembly is overseeing this Regional Spatial Strategy, an unacountable, bureaucratic and very expensive talkingshop which can tell elected councils what to do. (Much like the Regional Development Agency and the Odeon fiasco)
Of course the Conservative led council won't stand up to the regional bodies for the people of Bradford or for our greenbelt, and must have a hand in these rules because Tory leader Kris hopkins gets a nice little earner for sitting on the Regional Assembly.
So thanks to Labour not being able to control migration to the country (especially EU migration which is unrestricted), more houses are needed and guess what it's going to be built on? Our already disappearing greenbelt.
T&A report:
The Regional Assembly is overseeing this Regional Spatial Strategy, an unacountable, bureaucratic and very expensive talkingshop which can tell elected councils what to do. (Much like the Regional Development Agency and the Odeon fiasco)
Of course the Conservative led council won't stand up to the regional bodies for the people of Bradford or for our greenbelt, and must have a hand in these rules because Tory leader Kris hopkins gets a nice little earner for sitting on the Regional Assembly.
So thanks to Labour not being able to control migration to the country (especially EU migration which is unrestricted), more houses are needed and guess what it's going to be built on? Our already disappearing greenbelt.
T&A report:
Yorkshire Regional Assembly
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
The not-so-Liberal Democrats
Astonished is the word I’d use at what the Liberal Democrats said about the Conservative Bradford Council using anti-terror laws to secretly spy on the public.
The T&A reported: "Bradford Council has secretly monitored members of the public and its own staff more than 500 times in the past five years"
Of course the Conservatives were defensive over using this (so much for the new face of Camerons Conservatives defending our liberties)
Labour brought in these powers in 2003, so of course the leader of the Labour councillors couldn't bring himself to criticise.
The reaction of the Lib Dems was extraordinary. The leader of the liberal group said:"I think it is right and appropriate that the Council uses the power to investigate people who are fly-tipping and people who are involved in illegal activities"
So the Lib Dems support the Council secretly monitoring citizens of Bradford whether rightfully or wrongly. I think a lot of Lib Dem members need to take a long hard look at themselves.
T&A Report:
The T&A reported: "Bradford Council has secretly monitored members of the public and its own staff more than 500 times in the past five years"
Of course the Conservatives were defensive over using this (so much for the new face of Camerons Conservatives defending our liberties)
Labour brought in these powers in 2003, so of course the leader of the Labour councillors couldn't bring himself to criticise.
The reaction of the Lib Dems was extraordinary. The leader of the liberal group said:"I think it is right and appropriate that the Council uses the power to investigate people who are fly-tipping and people who are involved in illegal activities"
So the Lib Dems support the Council secretly monitoring citizens of Bradford whether rightfully or wrongly. I think a lot of Lib Dem members need to take a long hard look at themselves.
T&A Report:
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